
Qantas investiga avaria de motor de um Airbus em pleno voo

A companhia aérea australiana Qantas informou hoje que está a investigar uma avaria num motor de um dos seus aviões Airbus quando voava de Sidney para Perth, na Austrália, com 254 passageiros a bordo.
O incidente teve lugar no domingo, quando o Airbus A330 registou uma "falha no sistema de controlo do motor", refere a empresa em comunicado ao salientar que os seus "engenheiros estão a investigar as causas" dessa falha.
A aeronave aterrou em segurança e sem incidentes, acrescentou a companhia.
A Qantas Airbus A330-200, registration VH-EBO performing flight QF-583 from Sydney,NS to Perth,WA (Australia) with 254 passengers and 11 crew, was approaching Perth's runway 21 maintaining 3000 feet cleared to descend 2500 feet and intercept the localizer when the crew reported a minor technical problem advising they had discontinued the approach. Due to noise sensitivity ATC requested the crew to climb to 4000 feet which the crew complied with. About 10 minutes later the crew advised they were now ready for another approach, approach queried whether emergency services would be needed to which the crew replied that would be a good idea, they had their left hand engine (CF6) roll back to idle. The aircraft positioned for another approach to runway 21 and landed safely about 30 minutes after aborting the first approach and vacated left off the runway via taxiway L2.

The airline reported the aircraft experienced an engine control system fault.

As informações são"Destak".Sempre é citado o link de referência. O conteúdo é de Responsabilidade:Patricia McInnes Queiroz


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