
Avião faz pouso de emergência no Canadá após ameaça de bomba

Um avião da empresa Korean Air precisou fazer um pouso de emergência em uma base militar canadense na ilha de Vancouver nesta terça-feira depois de ter recebido uma ameaça de bomba.
A Aeronáutica canadense confirmou, por meio de um comunicado, que um Boeing 777 da Korean Air que decolara do aeroporto da cidade de Vancouver com destino a Seul teve de realizar uma aterrissagem em uma de suas bases.
A televisão pública canadense disse que a Korean Air informou que o pouso de emergência aconteceu depois de o escritório da companhia aérea na cidade americana de Los Angeles ter recebido uma ameaça de bomba.
A CBC acrescentou que o voo número 72, com 149 passageiros a bordo, aterrissou às 21h50 de Brasília na base militar de Comox, na ilha de Vancouver, e foi escoltado por caças americanos F-15.

Nota: Incident: Korean B772 near Comox on Apr 10th 2012, bomb hoax (The Aviation Herald)

A Korean Air Boeing 777-200, registration HL7734 performing flight KE-72 from Vancouver,BC (Canada) to Seoul (South Korea) with 134 passengers and 13 crew, was enroute at FL340 over Graham Island about 450nm northwest of Vancouver about one hour into the flight when the crew turned the aircraft around and decided to return to Vancouver after the airline's office in Los Angeles had received a phone call indicating a bomb was on board of the flight. North America's Aerospace Defense Command dispatched two F-15 fighter aircraft from Portland,OR (USA) to escort the Boeing to the Canadian Forces Base at Comox,BC (Canada) about 75nm northwest of Vancouver, where the aircraft ultimately diverted to. The aircraft landed safely on Comox's runway 12 about 90 minutes after turning around.

A search of aircraft, passengers and luggage found no trace of explosives. The aircraft was released to continue the flight.

The airline reported a phone call was received in the Los Angeles office about 25 minutes after departure that indicated a bomb was on board. After consultation with Authorities it was decided to turn the aircraft around and to divert the aircraft to Comox. No explosives were found on board of the aircraft, that is now expected to depart Comox approximately 11 hours after landing (at 04:15L Apr 11th) and reach Seoul with a delay of 13:45 hours.

As informações são"Terra Brasil".Sempre é citado o link de referência.


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