Um voo da American Eagle Airlines teve que fazer um pouso de emergência em Greenville, no Estado norte-americano do Texas, na noite de quarta-feira, após o piloto do avião Embraer 145 ter relatado fumaça na cabine, disse uma porta-voz da companhia, uma unidade da American Airlines Group.
O jato da Embraer, que decolou do Aeroporto Internacional Fort Worth em Dallas, e seguia para Moline, no estado de Illinois, pousou em segurança no aeroporto de Greenville e nenhum ferimento foi registrado entre os 45 passageiros e três tripulantes, disse Laura Masvidal, porta-voz da American Eagle.
O voo foi desviado para Greenville "por uma abundância de cautela", disse ela.
A Embraer não estava imediatamente disponível para comentar.
(Por Eric Beech em Washington)
American Eagle E145 near Amarillo on Mar 1st 2014, noises from the landing gear
American Eagle Embraer ERJ-145, registration N813AE performing flight MQ-2749 from Garden City,KS to Dallas Ft. Worth,TX (USA) with 34 people on board, was climbing out of Garden City when the crew stopped the climb at 16,000 feet and decided to divert to Amarillo,TX (USA) due to unidentifyable noises from the landing gear. The crew requested a low approach to runway 22 (active runway 04) to have the nose gear inspected from the ground advising the nose gear should show near vertical angled forward a bit. Tower reported the nose gear appeared angled backwards a tad. The aircraft climbed back to 5300 feet and requested another low approach to runway 04 for another inspection of the nose gear. Tower offered the aircraft to sidestep from the runway to be closer to the tower, the crew agreed. Tower reported the nose gear was down, the wheels slightly trailing the strut at a small angle. The crew subsequently decided to commence a full stop landing on runway 04. The crew requested a longer approach for runway 04 advising that they had good indications for the gear and the described position by tower suggested all was good, nonetheless emergency services should be on stand by. The aircraft landed safely on runway 04 about 30 minutes after stopping the climb at 16,000 feet.
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